Crystal Palace & Courtyard, Carlton North, 27 November 2022. I’m Prithvi Varatharajan. I’m honoured to be launching Marjon Mossammaparast’s second poetry collection, And to Ecstasy. Like Marjon, I’m really pleased that her publisher Terri-ann White is here in Melbourne from Perth. And thanks to you all for coming here this Sunday afternoon, to celebrate this […]
Since I started Upswell I have asked all authors to write an introductory letter to our subscribers with some illumination or detail about the finished book. I left the brief wide open, and the authors have tackled it in a range of ways, as you’d imagine: where the initial spark came from; influences, quirky stories […]
I asked Tom Lee to give readers an entry point for this splendid second novel, released in November 2022. Here it is. “It would be hard to make a work of fiction sound appealing if the author said that it was about anthropotechnic perception. Not love, death, coincidence or a pressing issue of social concern. […]
We were delighted to celebrate with Allan Behm the shortlisting of his excellent book in the inaugural Australian Political Book of the Year award on 9 November 2022 in Canberra. The Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers presented the award to Dean Ashenden for his book Telling Tennant’s Story: the Strange Career of the Great Australian Silence […]