Launch speech for And to Ecstasy (Marjon Mossammaparast) by poet Prithvi Varatharajan

Crystal Palace & Courtyard, Carlton North, 27 November 2022. I’m Prithvi Varatharajan. I’m honoured to be launching Marjon Mossammaparast’s second poetry collection, And to Ecstasy. Like Marjon, I’m really pleased that her publisher Terri-ann White is here in Melbourne from Perth. And thanks to you all for coming here this Sunday afternoon, to celebrate this […]

Authors write letters to readers!

Since I started Upswell I have asked all authors to write an introductory letter to our subscribers with some illumination or detail about the finished book. I left the brief wide open, and the authors have tackled it in a range of ways, as you’d imagine: where the initial spark came from; influences, quirky stories […]

Object Coach, a novel by Tom Lee

I asked Tom Lee to give readers an entry point for this splendid second novel, released in November 2022. Here it is. “It would be hard to make a work of fiction sound appealing if the author said that it was about anthropotechnic perception. Not love, death, coincidence or a pressing issue of social concern. […]

No Enemies No Friends: restoring Australia’s Global Relevance by Allan Behm

We were delighted to celebrate with Allan Behm the shortlisting of his excellent book in the inaugural Australian Political Book of the Year award on 9 November 2022 in Canberra. The Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers presented the award to Dean Ashenden for his book Telling Tennant’s Story: the Strange Career of the Great Australian Silence […]